Saturday, September 11, 2010

Levonogestrel: It is effective?

Hello, today I comment about the class of the last Thursday. This class was about the “Postovulatory effects of the Levonogestrel in emergency contraception”.

The levonogestrel is the active principle of emergency contraceptive or “morning- after pill”.
The doctor Carlos Valenzuela explained that the levonogestrel is effective, but always to be used at the right time. He said there was a period which is name as fertile window period, which comes days before and few days after ovulation. And that in these days women are most likely to get pregnant. It is this period should be used when the action of this emergency contraceptive. However, he said that through statistical studies had shown that levonogestrel was effective, but as an anovulatory, then this method would be effective only after the sexual act, if the ovulation has not occurred. The effectiveness of this method is over 50%, but during or after ovulation and would not be effective as a contraceptive.

Then we can say that using this method or recommend, would be strictly necessary know very well the ovulatory cycle of the woman who recommend the method and know our own cycle, because otherwise you run the risk of having a unwanted pregnancy.

Dr. Valenzuela said that this method is very good, but the bad thing about this method is that it increases the probability of ectopic pregnancy, especially if used after ovulation.

Well, I think that this topic is very important and interesting for my future profession as a midwife.

Goodbye, you have a very good holiday and his incredible bicentennial celebration.

The problem in the health treatments on different countries.

Hi, today I´m going to talk about the different that exist in de world and this issue focused primarily on health care, because the day, Tuesday 7 of the September, my group of English classes and me, saw a documentary film, about this topic.

In my assessment there are huge differences from one country to another, as to the importance they give to health.

In the report the first stories about people who had accidents in U.S. In this country, health authorities are not interested in the integrity of the health of people, only care about the hospital services are paid, they do that the person have to choose between heal or not, because if people have not money can not heal ailments or diseases.

The second country featured in the movie was Canada. Health in this country is free, every time a person has health problems, assists the hospital and is served free, and only important to the quality of life of people.

Then talk about France, but right now I must be honest and decided that I did not understand anything of that they were talking about in this part as they did not understand their System of organization.

In contrast to the reality or our country, Chile´s health care is among a middle ground between Canada and France, as though these GEH (Explicit Guarantees on Health), although these is no such a program to help people that need improving for common things such as accidents or illnesses that are nor within this health program.

Well… That´s all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My favourite book!!!

Hello! Today I going to talk my favourite book, which is “City of the Beasts”, the author Isabel Allende.

The story is about a boy about 15 years of age (Alexander Cold), that travel where his paternal grandmother (Kate Cold), to New York, because his mother had cancer and could not longer care about him or his sister. He did not get along with her grandmother because she was afraid. Her grandmother was a writer of the “International Geographic”, which traveled to the Amazon with his grandson. Here begins the story, where they begin to interest in the Amazon jungle. Here, Alexander meets a girl (Morgan) and they become friends.

Alexander and Morgan are kidnapped by Indians, who taught many things, and with these new realities and uncover an unknown world.

Well just tell them there, because it is a very interesting book, which reveals the mystical world of injustice and corruption of those who will do anything for money, even to kill for money,
abusing their authority and violating the rights of the innocent.
This book I read in the summer and it is one of the best. Although I must admit that I love Isabel Allende's books, I find it an excellent writer.

Now I hope to read "The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon" and "Forest of the Pygmies", both books by Isabel Allende. These are the continuation of

the first book, but for now I'm a little short of money if you wait until I graduated from obstetrics.

That's all for now, although I would tell you more, but I think is more interesting than what you read.

I hope your visits.

Goodbye and good luck.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My experience in English class

Hi, today I am going to talk about my hours in the English class.

Well, I thing that the English is very important, however I dislike me. Yet I don’t understand fine, in special in the listening, because the people that speak in the recording is very rapid and my brain is very slow for the English, I remember one word for minute and they speak to the light velocity. Also my English little fluid still and I fell much shame when I have that to read. In the blog I am long time writing, because I don’t know how write in the right way.

I believe that English is very complex for me, because every time that I want to learn the English is more difficult and I always think that I be mistake.

Actually, I must admit that my English is a little best, I know more word and almost understand all the word that say the teacher Claudia, because she speck very fine and is a fluid English but easy to understand. In my opinion the English should not be obligatory, because we are trying to understand for the force. If we could take the English as an elective course would be much more entertaining, because it would not be something imposed.

The blog is very important, because sincerely I write with the word of my vocabulary and every time I check the dictionary under. But exist the disadvantage, the blog we took time away for the other jobs, because we did not make the blog class hourly, but I must also recognize that this time too is valuable for the finish the blog.

Good, without more that I say, we know all the extra effort that you have placed in us, thank you very much Claudia.

Good bye.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

universal biosafety mesures


Today, I am goning to talk about the universal biosafety mesures, because is a topic very interesting for me and it is my topic in the work for Introductions to the living agents of the disease!!!

well, the biosafety is the level of the biocontainment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological agents in an enclosed facility. The levels of containment range from the lowest biosafety level 1 to the highest at level 4.

Biosafety level 1
This level is suitable for work involving well-characterized agents not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adult humans, and of minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the environment. It includes several kinds of bacteria and viruses including canine hepatitis, non-pathogenic Escherichia coli, as well as some cell cultures and non-infectious bacteria. At this level precautions against the biohazardous materials in question are minimal, most likely involving gloves and some sort of facial protection.

Biosafety level 2
This level is similar to Biosafety Level 1 and is suitable for work involving agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the environment. It includes various bacteria and viruses that cause only mild disease to humans, or are difficult to contract via aerosol in a lab setting

Biosafety level 3
This level is applicable to clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research, or production facilities in which work is done with indigenous or exotic agents which may cause serious or potentially lethal disease after inhalation.

Biosafety level 4
This level is required for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose a high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections, agents which cause severe to fatal disease in humans for which vaccines or other treatments are not available.

Well, this is the Universal Biosafety Mesures and is very important for the manipulation of the injurious agents for the health.

Good Bye.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

my favourite music group!!!!


Today I speak about my favourite music group!!

My favourite music is the metal because this music relaxes me. When I was an adolescent, I listened to music romantic, because this music is very sad and I always was sad for this. Then in my life appeared the metal. This is a music very energetic, because produce that the people themselves fell free.

My favorite band is Metallica, because they sing songs talk about everyday realities that humanity lives, such as injustice, terrorism and others topics.

Metallica has 10 albums, which are: Kill 'em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets,... And Justice for All, Metallica (black álbum), Load, ReLoad, St. Anger and Death Magnetic. My albums favorites are: Master of Puppets, ... And Justice for All and Death Magnetic. Lyrical themes explored included religious and military leaders, rage, insanity, monsters, drugs, anger, loss, and retribution. These issues show that the world is in decadence and that the realities are becoming more sad and cruel.

Metallica has many songs which I like much, but I love the most are:
One, whisky in the jar, sad but true, unforgiven (1,2 and 3), nothing else matters and the day that never comes.

The day that never comes is a song very interesting, because the lyrics of the song is interpreted as the things that should happen, but never reach. This is best understood in this video: The letters is:

Born to push you around
You better just stay down
You pull away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground
Mouths so full of lies
Tend to black your eyes
Just keep them closed
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
but the sunshine never comes
No the sunshine never comes

Push you cross that line
Just stay down this time
Hide in yourself
Crawl in yourself
You'll have your time
God I'll make them pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll splatter color on this gray

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
but the sunshine never comes
No the sunshine never comes

Love is a four letter word
And never spoken here
Love is a four letter word
Here in this prison
I suffer this no longer
I put it into
This I swear!
This I swear!
The sun will shine
This I swear!
This I swear!
This I swear!

Well, I know that my post is very long, but I don’t know as explain my passion for this music group.

I love Metallica and I just want to meet them.

That’s all for today.

See you next time

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Education and prevention in health.

Today, I am going to talk about education and prevention in health, from my point of view, in my future as a midwife.
1. Why prevention is important?

The prevention is important because the people need know all about health, because of this form the society is inform of the diseases more common and the risk, that producing the cancer or tumours and inclusive the death, like the uterine cervix cancer (Human Papiloma Virus) or breast cancer, or fulminant hepatitis C (HCV); or others topics like the familiar planning, miscarriage or premenstrual syndrome.

2. How to prevent at the individual, family and community level?

First that all, to prevent it is necessary to look for the people correct like to do groups with kids, adolescent, adult and people old.

In the individual prevent we should begin to create public interest topics, like for example topics of sexuality, but all through a previous survey, to view the topics of interest.
For the family we can make councils involving parents, so that they are responsible to educate their children, this will lead to greater trust between parent and child.
For the communities we should organize groups, make speeches and advertisements to call the attention of the people who see it, Incentives to attend meetings on prevention.

3. What can midwives do to promote prevention?

We as health professionals obstetricians, we are mainly involved in the care of pregnant women in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent pregnancy prevention or unwanted pregnancy, climacteric and menopause y and education in various diseases, so people are aware of them.

Well, I think that our participation is very important, because the people in special the women need to know all about this topics, for that they can prevent and cure not.

That’s all,

See us next week.