Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My experience whit the Earthquake

Well, I have a little fear to the quakes.

The day 27 of february of this year, I was in the house of my granmother, because only I haved a days more the vacations. in the night I went to sleep, but I could not.

Then to the 3:34 hours, the eart began to move.

I was a little afraid, because the movemment increasingly strong. In this momnet I wanted only to run, but my granmother calmed me, because I before have never lived an earquake. I think that if I had been alone, maybe I might not tell this history.

To the other day, I only wanted to return to my home, because I needed to see my parents. I came to my home on Sunday, in the afthernoon. All the persons were in the street conversing, because the light had beed cut.

During many days after the eartquake, I could not sleep, because I was dreaming that the floor would tremble again.

I believe that I do not have to react this way, because as future matron, I should be calmer.

For example, if I was in a delivery and began to temble. I only should protect the mom and her baby, for that it does not happen to them not badly at all.

Since today I will try not to be afraid and I will think much before doing something, because it is not the best solution to go out running...


  1. hi friend!!
    I understand your fear to the earthquake, becouse its a terrible experience and this is our first earthquake and probably this is not ours last earthquake.

    bye cote ...
