Thursday, May 27, 2010

My future as a health professional

Hello, hope you are all well.

Today, I going to talk about how my future once I will finish my studies.

Frist of all, the first that I do with the term of my career, I will cancel the debts that have with the state of Chile, xD...!!

Later I get married with my boyfriend, his name is Carlos. He study medicine at the medine faculty of the University of Chile, where until now we have the same interest and hope it continues. If I finish my studies and I have not boy friend, I maybe spend traveling from around the worldor the same contry. I do not want to haver childrens, but possibly I thikn have a child in years to come.

When I begin to work, I intend to start public or private hospitals, but always on the urgency, I woudl like to take turns, because I have that to use my youth, because after 30 years, the body is tired and overwhelmed. Then when I stop to do tunrs, I intend to stard working in rural hospitals or in places were more hepl is needed, because my interest has always been to help to the people without sufficient resources or simple the distance of the city keeps isolated. With this I will have esperience in different workplaces, so that in this way to th end of my working I can finish my years in a consulting room of the health and a quiet life.

Basically, I´m not very fond of births, it is not my area of interest
in the 100%, as already mentioned en previous blog, I want to focus primarily on women´s health beyound the gestation period, if not before, during and after the whole process through the implementation of contraceptive methods, prevention of STIs (Transmitting sexual infections), as it very important to see all these points, because we avoid unguanted pregnancies and diseases, congenital melformations in the petus, among many other things and so would be helping the mother and baby.
I thikn that would be my main contribution, for now these are my projects and I hope can be met if God lest me.
Thanks for reading my blog again, see you at the next meeting.
Kisses for you.
María José Rodríguez Carozzi, future midwife.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why I decided to study Obstetrics?

When I was about to enter of the University, I had my eye on destistry, but the score in the university selection test was not very high. Between my opsion, I had the Profession of Midwifery.

At first, I did not know it was, then for this reason, I wanted to study midwifery.

Then, I discoveres the important work of midwives and how beautiful their work.

Now, I think this is right for me, because one of the areas that I liked in the lives of humans beings, is the reproduction and sexual transmitted infections. Therefore, is in those areas where I want to focus as a future midwife also include adolescent presnancy as one of my biggest concerns.

One of the things taht shaped my vision of the work of midwives, was a trip I made to the community Lolol sixth region of Chile, where I went to do volunteer work. Here I met other students of obstetrics, somo third and fifth year. They taught me many new things, or in fact unknown to me.

Among them I met Nicole and Sebastian, both fifth year students. I showed the work of midwives, but it makes me part of thir shares or playing with them every one of the things done in the care of a board of midwifery. They taught me to do physical breast exam, taking PAP Tets, to draw blood to babies, to realize vaginal touch examination, among other things.

Now, they are my friends and every time I do not understand something, ask them to be 100% safe and do everythig right.

Today, I am in love with my future career as a midwife, and just want to work hard to become a professional and therefore help to women and and also for future students who may need help and knowledge.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One of my favotite website!!!

Well it is one of the pages that I like to review, because on this page is always reporting health and news.

This site has many sections like information on the website, information to the public visiting the site, health topics, protection of health and institutions that ralate to the page.

The main features of this page is provide information to the people of the events that are happening today to healthof this country, such as news, new projects like the constructions of new hospitals or repair of these, new plans of care or new measures to be undertaken in regions, in addition new ideas and strategies to prevent diseases, such as vaccibation, among other things.

I visit this page very often, beacuse I am very interesting in to know about the changes and advances in health, but also the problem that have emerged in recent days as the birth a girl en the bathroom at San José Hospital.

I like website, because here you are actually things are not hidden anything and the public.

I would recommend it only to the people and friends who really interensen these health topics or who want information about dataof health, among other things.
